For a while now I've been enamored with picture-frame earring holders like this one I saw on Pinterest. I thought for sure I could make my own, and sure enough all it took was about 15 minutes and about $15 worth of materials.

I, too, used an IKEA frame but a smaller one - Ribba 5x7 - because I didn't have a ton of space or that many earrings to store. Instead of the fancy aluminum sheeting she used (it was $18 a sheet) I grabbed a $4 removable window screen panel at Home Depot that gave me two sheets of screening the perfect size for my frame. It's a good thing because I cut the first one a little too small so I needed the second one to complete the project.
I took out the glass, mat, and backing and just pressed the screen in to the frame opening from behind. I used staples to secure it to the inside of the frame and the bulk of this baby was done.
There was only one problem...I have alot of hoop earrings and those can't hang on the screen the way my dangly earrings can. To solve that problem I busted out the cordless drill and some old 7/8" cup hooks I had lying around. I drew a straight line across the center of the frame's bottom edge then marked off every 1.5" I drilled a small pilot hole at each mark and screwed one cup hook in. Now my hoops can hang below the frame from there while my dangly earrings do double-duty as fashion and room accessories in their new more decorative home!
(P.S. The photo above is missing one cup hook because I ran out. I've since bought another pack for about $3 at Target and plan to use them for more DIY projects in the future. In fact, some friends might even be getting one of these DIY earring racks as a gift soon! But shhh...don't tell them!)
I'm also hoping that seeing these earrings out all the time will lead me to wear them more often rather than just stick with the standard small hoops and studs that I typically default to.