1. SodaStream. I bought this DIY seltzer maker for two reasons. First, I'm trying to cut back on processed foods and by making my own I know exactly what's in the fizzy water I'm drinking. And second, because I hate, hate taking out the recycling and the re-usable bottles that come with it mean many fewer trips to the bin. So far I'm loving it. I don't use the flavors that come with it - they're just chemical junk. I add a splash of 100% juice or a slice of fresh citrus and it satisfies my craving for soda without any of the terrible health impacts.
2. Maxi dresses. At 5' 4" I never thought I could pull off a maxi dress. But just for kicks I tried one on at The Gap the other day in preparation for my recent vacation. Much to my surprise, I loved it. The length is just above my ankles and the top (which is less baggy on me than in the picture below) skims my hips perfectly. Plus, it's like going out to dinner in your pajamas! I'm officially hooked.
3. Pinterest. Do I really have to say any more? I am officially addicted! But I'm also proud to say that I actively use the workouts I pin, have made many of the recipes I've pinned, and use the pins in my Style File to inspire new ways of putting together what's in my closet already. It's turned me on to some new bloggers that I LOVE (hint...see #4!) and boosted my own design confidence to see how many others are re-pinning things I loved or following whole boards of mine because they like my taste. I don't know most of them, but it feels great!
4. I Heart Organizing. This blog is amazing. The author, Jen, does such creative, beautiful things and is expanding to include a whole host of other creative ladies out there as well. It's already added to my list of daily checks and I can't wait to see what she'll bring us next!
5. People StyleWatch Magazine. I'm not a fashionista, and I don't want to be. I do, however, like looking good in modern classic styles. People StyleWatch is the only "fashion" or "style" magazine that (IMO) features clothes and outfits that real people over the age of 18 actually want to wear (and can wear to someplace like an actual office). I cancelled all my other fashion mag subscriptions but kept this one and regularly add to my paper inspiration file.
So there you have it - my favorite things for July 2012. What are you coveting this summer?