February 10, 2010

I've been pegged (at least my design style has!)

I got my first gift-subscription issue of Real Simple magazine in the mail today, and the editor's letter piqued my interest right off the bat. It talked about the difficulty many women have putting a name to their personal design style. The article pointed me to a quiz on p. 158 that promised to help me name my style. I was skeptical, but what the heck...off to p. 158 I go.

The quiz was unique - it had no words. Only pictures of items with directions to circle the items that appeal to you visually. I'm not normally a visual person so this was a neat exercise for me. There were letters associated with each image, and after you were done the goal was to count up how many "As" you circled, how many "Bs", etc.

I had mostly Cs and As, which translate in their scoring system to two styles - Sophisticated Classic and Cozy Comfort.

Wow. That's actually pretty spot on. In real life I'm all about cozy comfort, but I aspire to be more sophisticated and classic in most areas - decor, clothing, reading and listening preferences. I typically end up with a room that's somewhere in between. Comfortable and cozy with a few sleek pieces thrown in.

The article also suggested a few places I might like to shop in both categories, and where to shop if you fall in between two of them. A few of the stores were brands I already like such as Crate & Barrel, Pottery Barn, and Ralph Lauren. But there were a few new ones I'd never heard of, like Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams, Baker, and Ballard Designs.

If you're trying to find your style, pick up a copy of the mag and take the quiz - it might help you focus a bit. I also like the quiz associated with the HGTV series Find Your Style (I can no longer find it in between 875 consecutive episodes of House Hunters, but it was a good show) . Luckily the quiz is still up on the site even though the show itself seems to be gone.

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