August 22, 2010

Helping out those in need at Back To School time

I don't have kids, but I'm such a geek that back-to-school time is still a magical time of year for me. I love the feeling of a fresh start, new teachers, new classes. But I also know that back to school is not such a magical time for many people, including teachers and students who don't have the supplies they need to foster great learning. To that end I went looking for a charity that helps match donors with classrooms in need. I found one that seems to be very highly rated by Charity Navigator, called Adopt-A-Classroom.

I've only begun to scan the list, and am struck by how many classrooms there are that need our help. It makes me sad, to be honest. We spend millions on sports and trashy TV each year while our hardworking (and underpaid) teachers shell out their own hard earned cash just to fulfill basic learning needs.

So as you set your budget for back to school this year, consider adding a little more to help students and teachers in need. This will definitely become part of my annual back-to-school ritual from here out.

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